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What is SAP (System Applications Products) - SAP Stands for System Applications and Products in data processing
SAP is a 4th Largest Software Company in the World.
The SAP R/3 System is a Business Software designed to integrate all processes of a business.
It provides complete solutions for financials, manufacturing, logistics, distributions, sales, Management etc.
All Business processes are run and executed in one SAP system and sharing common information with everyone.
After Bigsuccessful of SAP R/3 then SAP created many niche software like CRM(Customer Relationship Management), SRM, XI (Process Integration(PI)) etc. Newest Version of suite is SAP ECC 6.0.
SAP History
SAP R/1- The first version of SAP software was launched in Germany around 1972 known as the R/1 system. R stands for real time data processing. It’s one tier architecture
Three layers Presentation, Application and Database are installed in one system.
ISAP R/2-In 1979 2nd version SAP R/2 was launched. SAP R/2 launched with multi language and currencies. R/2 is 2 tier architecture.
Three layers Presentation, Application and Database are installed in two systems.
SAP R/3-R/3 is Advanced version of R/2. SAP R/3 is the client/ server version of the software and its 3 tier architecture.
Three layers Presentation, Application and Database are installed in three systems.
Multi Language
Secure Information
Best business practice
Enterprise- Wide
Real Time processing with an integrated suite of client/server application.
Multi Language
Secure Information
Best business practice
Enterprise- Wide
Real Time processing with an integrated suite of client/server application.
SAP BASIS: Under Basis Module we learn how to install, configure, update, patch, migrate and troubleshoot any technical problem on SAP system to ensure system runs smoothly.
BASIS is basically attached with application layer of SAP R/3 System (Presentation layer, Application layer and Server layer). Basis emphasizes the administration of RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), client-server architecture and the SAP GUI.
You can say BASIS team is basically system administrator.
SAP ABAP: SAP offers predefined procedures to reach business requirement. But predefined procedures may not commit to complete business requirement hence customization is needed. Predefined procedures/functionality is basically set of codes which are designed and developed by SAP. So when customization is required to reach requirement either new codes are designed and developed or existing standard code is copied and edited.
ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming and this is programming language in which codes are written and also tell you ABAP run on the application layer of R/3 system.
SAP BI & SAP BW: In Every big organization daily huge amount of data is generated. Then in order to make strategic business decision, bosses need to analyze the performance/ position of business and work flow of data. So data needs to be collected at one place and then analyzed for getting meaning full information.
But in big organizations face number’s challenges like: data is generated globally, originated data from various sources, data may not be simple/uniform, data may be redundant/ duplicate.
Then SAP BW/ BI come to solve all these problems/issues.
All Data across globally/ redundant/duplicate/ geographies/ sources are stored at one place i.e. called data warehouse (BW). BW is home to all business data so it’s called BW(business warehouse).
After that Data will be cleansed to remove redundancy/ duplicity and then data is aggregated and made uniform/simple to get meaning full report. These reports give meaning full data/information and intelligence so it’s called BI (business intelligence).
SAP NET WEAVER: Now a day Organizations have become big and robust. So Organization might be using many/various SAP applications as well as non-SAP applications (other company software). Then we need to run business effectively various applications and servers need to interact with each other. Then SAP provides us SAP NET WEAVER common platform where various applications/ servers can be integrated/add.
SAP HANA - Hana full form“High-performance Analytic Appliance”.
High Performance Analytic Appliance is an in-memory computing platform that allows real-time data analysis, column-oriented relational database system. Both hardware and software architecture has been changed for HANA. Hardware is changed to store all the data and software is changed for real-time data processing. There is exponential data growth with new exotic data types that lead to invention of HANA system to provide the data in real-time. Hana has ability to process data more than 2T within seconds. It’s currently the market leader.This is highest paid job across the world according to experienced.
IMDB( In memory database).
Column oriented.
MPP(Massive Parallel Processing).
Data Modeling.
Data Provisioning.
Data Reporting.